Download Game Night Club Manager 320x240

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The name of the game night club in los angeles

  1. Nightclub Manager Job Description

Explore video games for PC Download from Electronic Arts, a leading publisher of games for the PC, consoles and mobile. Pc video game you’re after, you’ll. Diamond Rush 240 X 320 Mobile Java Games available for free download. Thanks for uploading this game. Night Club Manager.

Nightclub Manager Job Description

Games great, got to move fast. I like the idea you can replay the levels and make additional $ weither you do better or worse than your last preformance on that same level. I would prefer if you could take all of your upgrades back to previous levels with you. I know it might make them to easy, but maybe make them cost you more. One thing I noticed and dont know if it is related to the game or my system is that the audio track had an endless click sound in it so at the higher levels with the dance music this terrible tick sound would begin and not stop and it really killed the idea of trying to play the game with audio. Would loved to have seen more upgrades and levels and better 'mini games' and opportunutes to make bonuses on some levels, but overall a decent and addicting game.

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