How To Program Twitter Api

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  1. How To Use Twitter Api
  2. How To Program Twitter Api Javascript
  3. How To Program Twitter Api Credentials
  4. How To Program Twitter Api Python

Using python, this tutorial shows you how to make Twitter API calls and manipulate results to get tweets mentioning certain keywords New version: Nov 12, 2015  This video covers the basics of the twitter API. What are the basic commands -- get, post, stream? How do you search twitter? 10 Programming Languages in ONLY 15 minutes!. Create Your Own Twitter Client Using Java Programming Elisha Chirchir 15 Oct, 2013 23 Comments Java Programming, Twitter API Programming A twitter client does what the Twitter site does as well as the Twitter App.

(This article was first published on joy of data » R, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers)

How To Use Twitter Api

In this text I am going to describe a very straightforward way of how to make use of Twitter’s REST API v1.1. I put some code together for that purpose, so that requesting data just needs the API URL, the API parameters and a vector containing the OAuth parameters.

Before you can get started you have to login to your Twitter account on, create an application and generate an “Access Token” for it. So let’s jump right in and fetch IDs of 10 followers of @hrw (Human Rights Watch). The necessary code is located on GitHub – download all three files and then you can just edit the example below as suggested.

You'll begin by writing your Twitter application as a standalone Java program. Eventually you'll integrate the code in a servlet, so that you can offer the application on your site as a service available to other Twitterati. Getting started. Every Twitter application makes use of the Twitter API, which is well documented on the Twitter API wiki.

The result is a JSON containing the IDs of 10 followers (and it looks so pretty thanks to jsonlite::prettify()):

The Ads API program enables businesses to create and manage ads campaigns programmatically on Twitter. To help achieve your business goals, the Ads API provides the following suite of tools: Objective-based campaigns, Analytics, and Targeting. Python API Tutorial - An Introduction to Using APIs Application Program Interfaces, or APIs, are commonly used to retrieve data from remote websites. Sites like Reddit, Twitter, and Facebook all offer certain data through their APIs.

Twitter provides access to its service via a REST API whose current version is 1.1. Authorization is realized through OAuth version 1.0a. Due to that, handling the API is less trivial than just appending your password to the request – but also considerably more secure. Opposed to standard password-based authentication – OAuth distinguishes between the server (Twitter), the third-party client (the program calling the API) and the resource owner (the owner of the API account) by specifying an authentication flow where the resource owner grants access to the third-party client by programmatically providing a secret token in the end. But as in this case the third-party client and the resource owner are effectively identical the process simplifies to just manually creating an access token and its corresponding “token secret” and then using those directly within the script. Referring to the OAuth 1 authentication flow chart – we can skip steps A to F and focus on entirely on G.

The authorization of a request itself happens by glueing together a string which contains all the details about that request – URL, query parameters, OAuth keys and values – and then signing this so called “signature base string” with the two secret tokens –


applying an algorithm referred to as HMAC-SHA1. HMAC-SHA1 is provided by the digest package. What you get in the end after some more processing is the

which is sent along with the request and verified by the server. The creation of that signature is implemented in RTwitterAPI/oauth1_signature.R – a detailed description may be found here.

The GET request which is finally sent via RCurl needs a propperly set up header containing an “Authentication” section providing all the various

settings. This part is implemented in RTwitterAPI/twitter_api_call.R. The meaning of the

key/values, as well as the composition of the header is described here.


(original article published on

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How To Program Twitter Api Javascript

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In this, the first part of our series, we explain APIs as an alternative to something that pretty much everyone who has used an application is familiar with: the user interface. Software needs an interface that makes it easy to consume data. Enter, application programming interfaces.
​In Part 1, “APIs Are Like User Interfaces--Just With Different Users in Mind” we introduced the idea that an application user interface, or API, is an interface for software. APIs are used by software applications in much the same way that interfaces for apps and other software are used by humans.
In Part 2 of this series, “What Are APIs and How Do They Work?,” we used the standard electrical socket found in most walls as a metaphor for explaining the principles of an API. Imagine what life might be like without such a standard. With no plug, matching socket or standard particulars.
In the last part of this series, “What Are APIs and How Do They Work?”, we covered the key benefits of APIs. Now we’ll focus on the classes of APIs that matter the most to ProgrammableWeb, the ones that are enabled for consumption from across a network or fuel the development of Web applications.
In the previous part of this series, we took a deep look at how Web and browser APIs make the Web programmable while fueling what is known as the API economy. In this part, we will examine how the concept of abstraction is a major contributor to flexibility for API providers.

How To Program Twitter Api Credentials

In the last part of this series, we focused on the API concept of abstraction and the type of flexibility it creates for API providers. In this part, we’ll talk about why the Web’s technology is key enabler for networkable APIs, thus giving birth to the notion of “Web APIs.”

How To Program Twitter Api Python

The API economy now spans thousands of API-providing companies across hundreds of categories. Within each category there are multiple offerings, all competing for the affections and money of third-party developers--any one of which could unleash the next API-consuming Zillow, Instagram or Uber.

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