Nesterj Nes Emulator 1 11 Psp Emulator

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Nesterj Nes Emulator 1 11 Psp Emulator

Nesterj Emulator For Psp

Emulators » Nintendo Entertainment System » PSP » NesterJ

NES Emulator for PSP

NesterJ 1.12_AoEX r3. An NES emulator for the PSP. Does not have the rewind and mirror mode, but has higher compatibility. Comments powered by Disqus. By comparison, is a NES emulator designed for the PSP. NesterJ that can also be run on a PS Vita, but with the limitation that a PSP would have. In other words, NES4Vita has the potential of becoming much more advanced than a “traditional” NES emulator running on the PSP. Download NesterJ 1.13 Beta 2 (334.3KB) for PSP. The file 'NESTERJ V1.13 BETA 2.ZIP' can be downloaded instantly from our PSP Homebrew Homebrew category. NesterJ 1.12_AoEX r3. An NES emulator for the PSP. Does not have the rewind and mirror mode, but has higher compatibility. Comments powered by Disqus.


NesterJ is a pretty functional NES emulator for the Sony PSP. It was developed by Japanese developer Ruka but then eventually forked into several different sub projects. If you want to play NES games on your PSP, try this out.

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Download NesterJ V1.13 (5455.87K)Some emulators may require a system BIOS to run game titles. Get one at our BIOS Files Section.

A NES emulator for the PSP. Based on NesterJ 1.12 Plus 0.61 RM, so it includes features like rewind mode, cheat codes support, rotated/mirrored screen, sepia palette, support to rare mappers (the NES hack FF7 works on it), etc. NesterJ NES Emulator 1.11 RM (Rewind and Mirror Mo. Looking for a different spin on the NesterJ homebrew NES Emulator for the PSP by Ruka? Lots of thanks to byemu for providing the source and allowing what I think is the most complete version of a nes emulator for PSP.

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Posted by2 years ago

Hey guys after learning how to play a Gameboy Advanced emulator on GearVR/Cardboard with PPSSPP I did a little bit more research. I discovered how to do the same with NES emulators.

You need:

PPSSPP (PSP emulator in Google Playstore)

NesterJ (The NES emulator for PSP)

If you want to use GearVR get something like this

Bluetooth Controller This is my controller


Step 1

Download PPSSPP (PSP emulator in Google Playstore)

Step 2.

Download NesterJ

Step 3.

Make a folder for NesterJ you can just name is NesterJ

Step 4.

Open your file manager for your phone and locate PSP open it click GAMES and drag the NesterJ file in it.

Step 5.


Download a NES Rom(I'm not providing links). You can either make a new folder and name it ROMS or just drag it into the same file it doesn't matter where it is as long as you can access it.

Step 6.

If you haven't connect your bluetooth controller to your phone do so now.

Step 7.

Open up the PPSSPP app and go to Homebrew and Demos. Open Nester J

Step 8.

It will give you a load config fail. Just press the O button which for me is A. To avoid confusion and to see what buttons are what go to your go to settings, controls, and control mapping. You can also do this if you want to set controls. Whenever you boot it up and it asks to press O just press what you set as O.

Step 9.

Select your rom then when it loads press whatever is set for left analog.

Step. 10

Scroll down to key config and press A(or whatever O is/what you assigned it to. For some reason its the select button) P.S this key config is the NesterJ key config different from the PPSSPP config.

Step. 11

You can scroll through the controls with directional keys and change up,down,left,and right with analog. You can also change A and B buttons if you want.

Step 12.

You're almost done go back into PPSSPP (just press back button on your phone) and go to settings, graphics, and then scroll down to cardboard settings. Hit enable cardboard and set your screen size 85-90 is a good size.

Step 13.

Restart PPSSPP and boot the emulator. You should be able to play your NES rom with it. Yes the warning in the beginning of pressing b/o is normal.

Step 13.5

If the controls are strange for you. You can switch them in control mapping.

For example when I press the analog stick it looks strange, the dpad is movement also buttons a + b are switched. In that case I just go to PPSSPP controls, control mapping, and switch the controls of the dpad with the controls analog stick. Then I switch button o(b) with button x(a) to be o(a) and x(b)

I hope this helps also to get the best view press right two times. Pressing it anymore causes problems. I know this is long but eventually we might be able to play all the emulators on GearVR then people could build on it.

P.S this doesn't have headtracking the default google cardboard for PPSSPP doesn't have headtracking.


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